WPN-XM Server Stack REST API Documentation

A RESTful web API to the Software Components Registry of the WPN-XM Server Stack.


This document describes the REST interface, which provides access to the Software Components Registry of the WPN-XM Server Stack.

API Client

For convenience, you might install the PHP client for this API.

It is provided as a Composer library.


To install the the PHP client as a local, per-project dependency to your project, simply add a dependency on wpn-xm/api-client to your project's composer.json file, like so:

    "require" : {
        "wpn-xm/api-client" : "*"


Download - Download a certain version of a component



Field Type Description
component String Name of the Software Component.
version String Version of the Software Component.

Success (302)

A 302 Moved Temporarily response is sent, redirecting to the download URL of the software component.

Error (404)

A 404 header response is sent, when the requested software component or version was not found.

HTTP/1.1 404 NotFound

Download - Download the latest version of a component



Field Type Description
component String Name of the Software Component.

Success (302)

A 302 Moved Temporarily response is sent, redirecting to the download URL of the software component.

Error (404)

A 404 header response is sent, when the requested software component was not found.

HTTP/1.1 404 NotFound


Version - List latest versions of the Software Components Registry


Success (200)

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
  "adminer" : {
    "latest" : {
      "url" : "http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/adminer/Adminer/Adminer%204.0.3/adminer-4.0.3.php",
      "version" : "4.0.3"
    "name" : "Adminer",
    "website" : "http://adminer.org/"

Version - Determine, if a certain version of a component is the latest version



Field Type Description
component String Name of the Software Component.
version String Version of the Software Component.

Success (200)

Field Type Description
software String Name of the Software Component.
your_version String Your Version of the Software Component.
latest_version String The latest version number of the Software Component.
href String The download URL of the latest version.
message String The update immediately message.
Response for "GET /version/nginx/1.2.1"
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
      "software" : "nginx",
      "your_version" : "1.2.1",
      "latest_version" : "1.5.10",
      "href" : "http:\/\/nginx.org\/download\/nginx-1.5.10.zip",
      "message" : "You are running an old version of nginx and should update immediately."

Error (404)

A 404 header response is sent, when the requested software component or version was not found.

HTTP/1.1 404 NotFound